Joining Google Analytics & Hubspot with SQL: 5 key metrics

Unlock key business metrics by integrating HubSpot and Google Analytics data using Airbook's SQL capabilities. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions for syncing data, utilizing advanced analytics, and deriving actionable insights for informed decision-making.


Here data isn't just numbers, but the key to unlocking your business's full potential. This is your gateway to transforming raw data into insightful, actionable business intelligence. With Airbook, you have the power to seamlessly bring together over 150+ data sources, including giants like Google Analytics and HubSpot.

Today making well-informed decisions is more than just an advantage; it's a necessity. You don't just have to gather data; you have to understand it. With Airbook, you will dive deep into your data andweaving together stories that were once hidden in plain sight.

In this blog, we'll explore how you will leverage the rich data from Hubspot and Google Analytics. We're talking about metrics that don't just inform you but take your business forward. Think of this as your roadmap to uncovering the goldmine of metrics lying within your data, ready to be unearthed.

So, This is a journey where data meets strategy, and insights meet action. Let's unlock the full potential of your business, one metric at a time.

Why join HubSpot and Google Analytics Data?

In data-driven business strategies, two powerhouses stand out: HubSpot and Google Analytics. Each platform stores a wealth of information, but when combined, they offer an unparalleled overview of your business's performance.

HubSpot: The Hub of Customer Interaction Data

HubSpot is a treasure store of customer interaction data. It tracks and stores every touchpoint of your customer's journey. Here's a snapshot of what HubSpot offers:

  • Lead Information: Details about potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services.

  • Email Interactions: Insights into email campaign effectiveness, including open rates, click-through rates, and engagement levels.

  • Sales Pipeline Data: From initial contact to final sale, track the stages and status of your sales deals.

  • Customer Service Interactions: Records of customer inquiries, feedback, and resolution timelines, offering a clear picture of customer satisfaction.

Google Analytics: The Gold Standard for Website Data

Google Analytics is your go-to for understanding how users interact with your website and/or app. It provides detailed insights into:

  • Traffic Sources: Discover where your visitors are coming from, be it search engines, social media, or direct visits.

  • User Behavior: Understand what users do on your site, which pages they visit, how long they stay, and what they click on.

  • Conversion Data: Track how many visitors are completing desired actions, like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

  • Device and Demographic Information: Gain insights into the types of devices used to access your site and demographic details of your audience.

The Power of Integration

When you integrate HubSpot and Google Analytics data, you're creating a new currency of business intelligence. This integration allows you to:

  • Correlate website activity with customer data for a complete view of the customer journey.

  • Understand how your online presence influences leads and sales.

  • Tailor marketing strategies based on comprehensive user behavior and interaction data.

By using this combined strengths of HubSpot and Google Analytics Data, Airbook empowers you to make strategic decisions with SQL backed by a complete set of data. It takes out the guesswork from your strategies and replaces it with clarity and precision. With this data joining, you're equipped to drive your business forward with confidence and insight.

The Top 5 Metrics Derived from Integrating HubSpot and Google Analytics

The synergy between HubSpot and Google Analytics data unveils metrics that are crucial for a comprehensive understanding of your business's online performance and customer engagement. Here are five such metrics, each offering unique insights.

1. Online Lead Conversion Efficiency

Formula: (Number of Qualified Leads from Online Sources / Total Online Visitors) x 100%

This metric illuminates the effectiveness of your online presence in generating qualified leads. By combining visitor data from Google Analytics with lead quality data from HubSpot, you gain a clearer picture of how well your website and online marketing efforts are performing in attracting potential customers. A high conversion efficiency indicates effective targeting and appealing content. Conversely, a low rate might suggest the need to optimize your website or rethink your marketing strategies.

2. Customer Journey Length

Formula: Average Time from First Website Visit to Conversion

Understanding the length of the customer journey, from their first interaction on your website (tracked by Google Analytics) to their conversion into a customer (tracked by HubSpot), is crucial for optimizing marketing and sales processes. A shorter journey could indicate effective marketing and sales tactics, while a longer journey might reveal potential bottlenecks or opportunities for engagement improvements.

3. Marketing Channel ROI

Formula: (Revenue Generated from Each Channel / Total Marketing Spend on Each Channel) x 100%

By correlating revenue data from HubSpot with channel-specific performance data from Google Analytics, businesses can accurately calculate the return on investment for each marketing channel. This metric helps in allocating resources effectively, focusing on high-ROI channels, and identifying underperforming areas for improvement.

4. Content Engagement to Lead Quality Ratio

Formula: Quality of Leads Generated / Engagement with Specific Content

This metric combines content engagement metrics from Google Analytics with lead quality data from HubSpot. It provides insights into which content types are not only attracting attention but are also converting visitors into high-quality leads. High engagement with low-quality lead generation may suggest a need to adjust content strategy or targeting, whereas high-quality leads from specific content types can guide future content creation.

5. Customer Satisfaction Index

Formula: (Number of Positive Customer Interactions / Total Customer Interactions) x 100%

By integrating customer interaction data from HubSpot with user experience data from Google Analytics, businesses can develop a comprehensive understanding of customer satisfaction. This metric helps in identifying areas of strength and weakness in customer service and user experience, guiding improvements in customer support, website usability, and overall customer journey.

Each of these metrics, derived from the integration of HubSpot and Google Analytics data, offers vital insights into different aspects of your business. They help in understanding your audience better, optimizing your marketing strategies, and ultimately driving your business towards greater success. With Airbook, accessing and analyzing these metrics becomes straightforward, empowering you to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Other Important Metrics Derived from HubSpot and Google Analytics

When we join the data-rich tables of HubSpot and Google Analytics, we uncover key metrics that significantly influence our business strategy. Let's explore these metrics and understand how to calculate them.

1. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Formula: Total Marketing and Sales Spend / Number of New Customers Acquired

This metric, derived from HubSpot's sales and marketing data, reflects the cost of acquiring a new customer. It's crucial for understanding the efficiency of your marketing efforts.

2. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Formula: Average Purchase Value x Average Purchase Frequency Rate x Average Customer Lifespan

CLV, calculated using sales and customer data from HubSpot, measures the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer throughout their relationship with the company.

3. Conversion Rate

Formula: (Number of Conversions / Total Number of Visitors) x 100%

Sourced from Google Analytics, this metric shows the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on your website, like filling out a form or making a purchase.

4. Traffic-to-Lead Ratio

Formula: (Number of New Leads / Total Website Traffic) x 100%

This metric combines data from both platforms to assess the effectiveness of your website traffic in generating new leads.

5. Lead-to-Customer Rate

Formula: (Number of New Customers / Total Number of Leads) x 100%

By integrating HubSpot's lead data with sales data, this metric helps in understanding how effectively leads are converted into customers.

Each of these metrics provides a unique lens through which to view your business's performance. They help in identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. With Airbook, you can easily query and calculate these metrics, using the integrated data from both HubSpot and Google Analytics to make informed, strategic decisions. This joining isn't just about accessing more data; it's about making that data work for you, offering a comprehensive, data-driven view of your business's health and trajectory.

Step-by-Step Guide: Integrating HubSpot and Google Analytics with Airbook for Advanced Analytics

Integrating HubSpot and Google Analytics into Airbook transforms your data into a single, powerful pipeline, enabling you to use Airbook's SQL capabilities for advanced analytics. Let's do this first hand to achieve this integration and utilize Airbook for creating impactful metrics.

Step 1: Connecting HubSpot to Airbook

  1. Access the Connections Settings in Airbook: Start by logging into your Airbook account and navigating to the connections section.

  2. Select HubSpot: Choose HubSpot from the list of available integrations.

  3. Authenticate Your HubSpot Account: Enter your HubSpot credentials to authorize Airbook to access your data. This step ensures a secure connection between the two platforms.

  4. Select the Data to Sync: Choose the specific datasets you want to import from HubSpot, such as contacts, email interactions, and sales data.

  5. Complete the Integration: Confirm the settings, and Airbook will begin syncing data from HubSpot.

Step 2: Connecting Google Analytics to Airbook

  1. Navigate to Google Analytics : In the same integration section within Airbook, select Google Analytics.

  2. Authenticate Your Google Account: Provide your Google credentials to grant Airbook access to your Google Analytics data.

  3. Choose the Relevant Analytics View: Select the specific website view you want to integrate to focus on the data that's most relevant to your business.

  4. Configure Data Synchronization: Determine the frequency and type of data sync, such as user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion data.

  5. Finalize the Integration: Save your settings to start the data import from Google Analytics into Airbook.

Step 3: Utilizing Airbook’s SQL Capabilities for Metric Creation

  1. Create an Project and an Airbook: Navigate to project section within Airbook.

  2. Write Custom SQL Queries: Employ SQL commands to query the integrated dataset. For instance, you can write queries to calculate the combined metrics discussed earlier, like Online Lead Conversion Efficiency or Marketing Channel ROI.

  3. Visualize the Data: Utilize Airbook’s data visualization tools to transform your query results into understandable and actionable insights, such as charts or graphs.

  4. Analyze and Interpret: Analyze the results to gain deeper insights into your business performance and customer behavior.

By following these steps, you can successfully integrate HubSpot and Google Analytics with Airbook, turning your diverse data sets into a cohesive, powerful tool for advanced analytics. This unified approach not only streamlines your data analysis process but also unlocks new perspectives and opportunities for data-driven decision-making in your business.


As we wrap up this insightful journey through the world of integrated data analytics with Airbook, it's clear that the fusion of HubSpot and Google Analytics data through Airbook’s platform is more than just a technical exercise. It's a strategic move towards understanding and leveraging your business data in ways that were previously unimaginable.

The Power of Integrated Analytics: The integration of these powerful platforms provides a comprehensive view of your customer's journey, from the first website visit to the final purchase decision and beyond. By utilizing Airbook's SQL capabilities, you can delve into metrics that reveal the heartbeat of your business, guiding you towards informed decisions and strategic planning.

The Future Is Data-Driven: In an era where data is king, having the right tools to analyze and interpret this data is crucial. Airbook stands as a beacon in this realm, offering a seamless, intuitive, and powerful platform that brings together disparate data sources into a single, coherent narrative. Whether you're looking to optimize your marketing strategies, enhance customer engagement, or boost your sales performance, Airbook empowers you with the insights you need.

Take the Next Step with Airbook: Now that you’ve seen the potential, it's time to experience the power of Airbook firsthand. If you're ready to transform your data into actionable insights, visit our website, sign up for a demo, or contact our team for more information. Let Airbook be the tool that elevates your business to new heights of success and efficiency.

Remember, in the world of business, knowledge isn't just power – it's profit, progress, and potential. With Airbook, you're not just analyzing data; you're charting the course for your business's future. So, take that step, harness the power of your data, and watch as your business transforms with every insight. Welcome to the future of data-driven decision-making. Welcome to Airbook.