Data Teams as a Business Asset: Calculating ROI of building a DATA TEAM

Explore effective strategies for measuring and enhancing the ROI of data teams in tech companies, including key metrics, custom frameworks, and the latest tools. Essential insights for data-driven success.


In tech companies, data teams have emerged as pivotal players in moving to business success. These teams, comprised of skilled data scientists, analysts, and engineers, are not just support functions; they're crucial assets that drive innovation, inform strategic decisions, and optimize operations. Yet, despite their clear value, quantifying the Return on Investment (ROI) of these data teams presents a nuanced challenge.

Measuring the ROI of data teams goes beyond mere number-crunching. It's an intricate blend of assessing technological impact and business outcomes, a task that demands a deep dive into how these teams transform data into tangible business advantages. In this complex scenario, understanding and articulating the ROI of data teams becomes essential, not only to justify their existence but to strategize their future growth and contribution within the tech industry. This blog aims to unravel this complexity, offering insights into effectively measuring and maximizing the ROI of data teams in technology companies.

Challenges in Measuring Data Team ROI

The Intersection of Technology and Business

Data teams in tech companies occupy a unique crossroads between technology and business. This dual positioning is both their strength and a challenge when it comes to ROI calculation. These teams leverage technology to extract, process, and analyze vast amounts of data. However, their true value lies not just in technical proficiency but in how they align this data with overarching business goals. Balancing this tech-business nexus while calculating ROI requires a nuanced approach, one that acknowledges both the technical output and the business impact.

Identifying Key Outcomes and Metrics

Another significant hurdle in measuring the ROI of data teams is the identification of relevant outcomes and metrics. Unlike more direct business functions, the outcomes of data initiatives are often not immediately tangible or directly linked to revenue. For example,

how do you quantify the impact of improved data quality or faster data processing times?

These indirect benefits, such as enhanced decision-making or increased operational efficiency, play a crucial role in long-term business success but pose a challenge in immediate ROI calculation. This demands a sophisticated approach to define and measure the significant outcomes that truly reflect the value brought by data teams.

The Impact of Data Teams on Business Operations

Enhancing Operational ROI

Data teams significantly boost the operational ROI of a business. By analyzing data to uncover insights, they help optimize processes and reduce inefficiencies. This involves:

  • Analyzing Marketing Campaigns: Understanding customer behaviors and channel effectiveness.

  • Optimizing Resource Allocation: Allocating resources more effectively based on data-driven insights.

Uncovering New Growth Initiatives

Data teams are instrumental in identifying new areas for growth. They:

  • Spot Market Trends: Predict future market trends using data patterns.

  • Identify New Customer Segments: Discover untapped customer segments through detailed data analysis.

Scaling Projects Efficiently

Scaling operations is another area where data teams shine:

  • Automating Processes: Implementing automation in data analysis and reporting.

  • Enhancing Decision-making: Providing insights that inform strategic decisions for scaling.

Building New Capabilities

Finally, data teams contribute by developing new capabilities:

  • Innovating Products and Services: Using data to drive innovation in product development.

  • Enhancing Customer Experience: Leveraging data to improve customer engagement and satisfaction.

Through these diverse contributions, data teams play a vital role in advancing business operations, driving growth, and fostering innovation in technology companies.

Custom Framework for Measuring ROI

In data analytics, one size does not fit all when it comes to measuring ROI. The key is to develop a framework that aligns with your specific business goals and industry requirements.

Momentive's Approach to Measuring ROI

At Momentive, the focus is on identifying the core problem and the desired outcome after its resolution. Team at Momentive considers several factors:

  • Adoption: Tracking user engagement with their self-serve platform.

  • Trust: Ensuring data quality and governance to build organizational trust.

  • Value: Connecting initiatives to organizational objectives and assessing the final value delivered​​.

PowerSchool's Criteria for Success

PowerSchool's approach revolves around directly impacting their consumer-facing product. They prioritize:

  • Utilizing Data as an Asset: Making data useful and accessible.

  • Building Valuable Solutions for Customers: Focusing on adding value through their solutions.

  • Eliminating Redundancy: Streamlining processes and reducing duplication.

They closely monitor specific data quality metrics like latency to ensure near real-time data availability​​.

Each of these examples illustrates the importance of a tailored approach to ROI measurement, reflecting the unique challenges and opportunities within each organization.

Key Metrics and Indicators for Assessing Data Team ROI

Leading and Lagging Indicators

Understanding and effectively measuring data team ROI involves a blend of leading and lagging indicators. At companies like Monte Carlo, these include:

Leading Indicators: Metrics that predict future performance, such as:

  • Data accuracy, timeliness, and completeness.

  • Adherence to data Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

  • Time taken to resolve data issues and notify stakeholders.

  • User engagement with data products.

Lagging Indicators: Metrics that reflect past performance, like the impact of the data team on different business functions' ROI.

Team Motivation Metrics

Beyond just the data-driven metrics, it's crucial to consider team motivation metrics:

  • Team morale and work-life balance.

  • Employee Net Promoter Scores (NPS) indicating overall team satisfaction.

Tips for Selecting Relevant Metrics

  • Align metrics with your data strategy and business objectives.

  • Choose metrics that clearly demonstrate the data team’s impact on both operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.

  • Consider both qualitative and quantitative metrics to get a holistic view of the data team's performance.

Selecting the right metrics requires a balance between the data team's operational efficiencies and their strategic contributions to the company's broader goals.

Starting Small and Scaling ROI Measurement

The Importance of Starting Small

To effectively measure the ROI of data teams, it's crucial to begin with manageable goals:

  • Avoid Analysis Paralysis: Start with specific, achievable objectives to prevent being overwhelmed by the complexity of ROI measurement.

  • Focus on a Single Project or Team: Begin with one area where the data team's impact can be clearly observed and measured.

Identifying Key Areas for Initial ROI Analysis

  • Select Projects with Clear Outcomes: Choose projects where the impact of data-driven decisions can be easily quantified.

  • Pilot Programs: Start with pilot programs that can provide quick insights into the data team's efficiency and effectiveness.

Strategies for Expanding ROI Measurement

  • Gradual Expansion: Once initial efforts prove successful, gradually expand the scope of ROI measurement to other areas.

  • Leverage Learnings: Apply insights gained from initial projects to refine metrics and approaches for broader application.

Starting with a focused approach allows for a clearer understanding of the ROI, which can then be scaled and adapted to wider company initiatives.

Claiming a Leadership Role in Data Strategy

Demonstrating Value and Influence

Data team leaders play a critical role in shaping their organization's data strategy. To claim a leadership role, they must:

  • Showcase Data-Driven Successes: Regularly demonstrate how data insights have positively impacted the business.

  • Educate on Data’s Role: Continuously educate other leaders and departments on the strategic value of data.

Strategies for Communicating ROI to Leadership

Effective communication of ROI to the C-suite and stakeholders involves:

  • Tailored Messaging: Customize the message to resonate with the specific concerns and interests of each stakeholder or department.

  • Use of Case Studies: Employ real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the impact of data-driven decision-making.

  • Quantifiable Metrics: Present ROI in quantifiable terms that clearly show the value added by the data team.

  • Regular Updates: Provide regular updates on the data team's contributions, ensuring visibility and ongoing support.

Engaging with Stakeholders

Building strong relationships with stakeholders across the organization is key:

  • Stakeholder Meetings: Hold regular meetings with key stakeholders to understand their needs and demonstrate how data can address them.

  • Collaborative Projects: Engage in collaborative projects that showcase the data team’s capabilities in solving real business problems.

Influencing Data Culture

To further cement their leadership role, data team leaders should:

  • Advocate for Data Literacy: Promote data literacy across the organization.

  • Data Governance: Push for strong data governance policies that emphasize data quality and accessibility.

  • Foster a Data-Driven Culture: Encourage a culture where data-driven insights are valued and sought after in decision-making processes.

By demonstrating their value, effectively communicating ROI, engaging with stakeholders, and influencing the organization's data culture, data team leaders can solidify their role in the company's data strategy and ensure their teams are recognized as crucial assets.

Leveraging the Right Tools and Technologies

The Role of Advanced Tools in ROI Calculation

In today's data-driven world, the right set of tools and technologies is pivotal for accurately calculating ROI and enhancing data trustworthiness.

  • Simplifying Complex Calculations: Advanced tools can automate and simplify the complex process of ROI calculation, making it more efficient and reliable.

  • Improving Data Accuracy and Trust: With the help of sophisticated software, data teams can ensure higher accuracy in their data analysis, which in turn, builds trust across the organization.

Recommended Tools and Platforms for Effective ROI Measurement

Data Analytics Software:

  • Examples: Tableau, Power BI, Google Analytics and Airbook.

  • Functionality: These tools provide deep insights into data patterns and trends, essential for understanding the impact of data initiatives on business outcomes.

Project Management Tools:

  • Examples: Asana, Trello, and Jira.

  • Usage: Track the progress of data projects and their contributions towards strategic goals, aiding in the calculation of ROI.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems:

  • Purpose: To understand customer interactions and feedback, crucial for evaluating the ROI of customer-focused data projects.

Financial Analysis Tools:

  • Application: To directly tie data initiatives to financial performance, providing a clear picture of ROI.


  • Overview: A versatile platform designed to streamline data analysis and reporting.

  • Features: Offers robust data visualization tools and seamless integration with various data sources, making it an ideal choice for data teams looking to present their ROI clearly and effectively.

  • Benefits: Enhances the ability to make quick, data-driven decisions, and effectively communicates the value of data projects.

Integrating Tools into Data Strategy

  • Seamless Integration: Ensure that the chosen tools can integrate seamlessly into the existing data infrastructure.

  • User Training: Invest in training for data team members to maximize the benefits of these tools.

  • Regular Evaluation: Continuously assess the effectiveness of these tools in measuring and communicating ROI.

Incorporating the right mix of tools and technologies is essential for modern data teams to effectively measure and demonstrate their ROI. By leveraging platforms like Airbook, along with other analytics, project management, and financial analysis tools, data teams can provide more accurate, trustworthy, and impactful insights to their organizations.


Effectively measuring and improving the ROI of data teams in tech companies is a multifaceted task. It include understanding the unique challenges in ROI calculation, recognizing the diverse impact of data teams on business operations, developing a custom framework for ROI measurement, and leveraging the right tools and technologies. It's crucial for data team leaders to continuously evaluate and adapt their ROI measurement strategies in line with changing business goals and market dynamics. This dynamic approach ensures that data teams remain vital assets, driving informed decisions and strategic growth in their organizations.